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伦敦奥运会开幕式完整 伦敦奥运会开幕式经典

来源:未知 分类:欧冠时间:2023-11-21 04:31:50人气:0


  1. 伦敦奥运会开幕式中,英国女王宣布开幕所说的那句英文是什么?
  2. 伦敦奥运会开幕式火炬传递的背景歌曲是什么?
  3. 伦敦奥运会开幕式接吻的电影片段都是出自哪些电影?
  4. 口译备考资料 求罗格2012伦敦奥运会开幕式说的话 中英文


i declare open the games of london,celebrating the 30‘s olympic of the modern area

为你这问题, 我听了好几遍女王讲的话...最后个词原来是 era


奥运会会歌——奥运会永久性会歌 古代不朽之神, 美丽、伟大而正直的圣洁之父。 祈求降临尘世以彰显自己, 让受人瞩目的英雄在这大地苍穹之中, 作为你荣耀的见证。 请照亮跑步、角力与投掷项目, 这些全力以赴的崇高竞赛。 把用橄榄枝编成的花冠颁赠给优胜者, 塑造出钢铁般的躯干。 溪谷、山岳、海洋与你相映生辉, 犹如以色彩斑斓的岩石建成的神殿。 这巨大的神殿, 世界各地的人们都来膜拜, 啊!永远不朽的古代之神 oh yeah, oh in these moments, moments of our lives all the world is ours and this world is so right you and i sharing this time together, oh sharing the same dream as time goes by, we will find these are the special times times we'll remember these are the precious times the tender times, we'll hold in our hearts forever these are the sweetest times these times together and through it all one thing will always be true the special times are the times i share with you mmm, oh yeah with each moment, moment passing by we'll make memories that will last our whole lives as you and i travel through time together, oh yeah living this sweet dream and every day we can say these are the special times times we'll remember these are the precious times the tender times, we'll hold in our hearts forever these are the sweetest times these times together and through it all one thing will always be true the special times are the times i share with you these tender moments when heaven is so close these are the moments that i know these are the special times times we'll remember these are the precious times, the tender times we'll hold in our hearts forever these are the sweetest times these times together and through it all one thing will always be true oh yeah, yeah the special times are the times i share the special times are the times we share the special times are the times i share with you ooh yeah (these are the special times) yeah, yeah (special times) yeah, ooh (these are the special times) oh, oh (these are the special times) 1896年4月6日,当希腊国王乔治一世宣布第1届奥运会开幕以后,希腊著名音乐家斯皮罗斯萨马拉斯指挥9个合唱团和250人演唱了这首由他作曲、抒情诗人科斯蒂斯帕拉马斯作词的《奥林匹克圣歌》。悠扬的乐曲、悦耳的歌声久久回荡在帕那辛尼安体育场上空,把人们带入了缅怀古奥运会的辉煌和憧憬现代奥运会的美好的境界之中。 虽然《奥林匹克圣歌》在第1届奥运会开幕式上大获成功,但当时并未把它确定为奥运会会歌。而此后的历届奥运会则均由东道主确定会歌,并未形成统一的会歌形式。后来有人建议重新创作一首永久性的会歌,但几经尝试都不能令人满意。于是,国际奥委会在1958年于东京举行的第55次全会上最后确定还是用《奥林匹克圣歌》作为奥林匹克运动会会歌。从此以后,在每届奥运会的开、闭幕式上都能听到这首悠扬的古希腊管弦乐曲。 由于这首歌通常不用英语唱 所以英语版的歌词即使有也是多余的 由于歌词是古希腊语,所以比较难找:p 歌我倒是有:这是2000年悉尼运会开幕式上的,我最喜欢的版本,还是一个希腊合唱团(潜匿合唱团)飞过去唱的。 试听: http://www.musictea.com/music/play_lyric_song.asp?song_name=the%20olympic%20hymn(the%20millennium%20choir%20of%20the%20greek%20orthodox%20archdiocesego)&song_id=8217&alb_id=640 下载: 点击 http://pickup.mofile.com/0640606453949136 再按页面底部的[免费登录下载,下一步]就进入下载页面了(注意:三天后过期) 强烈希望采纳!





口译备考资料 求罗格2012伦敦奥运会开幕式说的话 中英文


your majesty,


your majesties,尊敬的亲王,your royal highnesses,各位殿下,distinguished guests,各位嘉宾,ladies and gentlemen,女生们、先生们,in just a few moments, the olympic games will officially return to london for the third time, setting an unmatched record for hosting the games that spans more than a century. thank you, london, for welcoming the world to this diverse, vibrant, cosmopolitan city yet again.再过一会,奥运会将第三次来到伦敦,这是过去一个世纪中无可比拟的人类纪录。谢谢伦敦,再次将我们带到这个充满活力的现代化大都市。it has taken a lot of hard work by many people to get us to this point. i want to thank the entire team at the london organizing committee - superbly led by lord coe - for their excellent and hard work. i also want to thank all the public authorities who have helped ensure that these games will leave a lasting positive legacy long after the closing ceremony.为了实现这个目标,很多人付出了艰苦努力。我要感谢伦敦奥组委团队的出色工作,感谢他们做出了卓越的成绩。我还要感谢相关部分的合作,使得伦敦奥运会在闭幕之后能够留下一份持久有益的奥运遗产。and, of course, we are all grateful to the thousands of dedicated volunteers who are being so generous with their time, their energy and their welcoming smiles.对于数千名志愿者的辛苦付出,我们心存感激,我们共同付出时间、体能和微笑。for the first time in olympic history all the participating teams will have female athletes. this is a major boost for gender equality.在奥运会历史上,首次所有代表团都有女性运动员参赛,这是推动性别平等的重要一步。in a sense, the olympic games are coming home tonight. this great, sports-loving country is widely recognized as the birthplace of modern sport. it was here that the concepts of sportsmanship and fair play were first codified into clear rules and regulations. it was here that sport was included as an educational tool in the school curriculum.在一定程度上,我们可以说,奥运会在今晚回家了。这个国家热爱体育,是现代体育的发源地,在这里,运动精神和公平竞赛原则被清楚的鉴定和表达着,在这里,体育成为教育课程。the british approach to sport had a profound influence on pierre de coubertin, our founder, as he developed the framework for the modern olympic movement at the close of the 19th century. the values that inspired de coubertin will come to life over the next 17 days as the world's best athletes compete in a spirit of friendship, respect and fair play.英国对于奥运会创始人顾拜旦有深远的影响,在19世纪末,构建了现代奥林匹克运动。接下来的17天时间中,世界上最优秀的运动员将在友谊、尊敬和公平竞赛规则下展开竞争。i congratulate all of the athletes who have earned a place at these games. and to the athletes, i offer this thought: your talent, your dedication and commitment brought you here. now you have a chance to become true olympians. that honor is determined not by whether you win, but by how you compete. character counts far more than medals.我祝贺每一位来到这里参赛的运动员。我想对你们说:你们的天赋、努力使得自己有了这样的成绩,你今天成为了奥运会一员,不在于你是否获胜,而在于你怎样去比赛,品德远比奖牌重要。reject doping. respect you opponents. remember that you are all role models. if you do that, you will inspire a generation.远离兴奋剂,尊重对手,记住你是大家的榜样。如果你做到了,你就激励了一代人。these games bring many hopes. hope for harmony and peace between the 204 national olympic committees. hope to see the young generations inspired by the values of sport. hope that these games continue to promote sustainable development.2012伦敦奥运会带来很多希望,参赛的204个国家和地区代表团都在期待和平,希望能够看到年轻人被体育价值观所激励,希望本届奥运会能够继续可持续和发展的理念。dear athletes, make us dream.运动员们,让我们一起实现梦想。i now have the honor to ask her majesty the queen to open the games of the olympiad.


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